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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Geraniums Galore!

As Tatko had instructed, I planted my first wave of geranium seeds on my birthday (Jan 7). Since then, I've done two other plantings. It turns out that in Seattle, it's very difficult to find geranium seeds - I had to drive to the very North end of the city to find a nursery that sells the seeds. All the propagation here happens from cuttings.

In any case, you can see how my geraniums are doing...all 60 of them! Overall, the success rate has been almost 100%. I've installed them in our (unoccupied) master bedroom, under artificial light, which I keep on almost all the time.

If you look carefully at at the shots, you'll notice our new floor and the masking tape, as I'm getting ready to prime & paint that room this week.

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