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Monday, March 29, 2010

Back to school!

Well, that's it: I guess I couldn't stay away from the classroom for too long. Now that the more intellectually ambitious goals are accomplished (well, one can question how intellectually ambitious an MBA actually is), it's time to do something more fun & creative.

Thanks to Tatko, I'm now enrolled in photography classes! I had my first class tonight, 6-10pm. It's Black & White Photography I and tomorrow I have Digital Photography I. If I stick out with this program, in 5 years, I'll have a certificate degree from one of the premier photography centers in the country. It's a big commitment, so I'm taking it one class at the time for the moment, and I'm absolutely thrilled!

I love how hands-on the program is. In our first class, we were back in dark room messing around with exposure and developing prints. For next Monday, my assignment is to shoot a whole role of B&W film and produce 3 photograms.

While on the topic of photography, I can't help but call out a local photography genius: Chrissie White. I believe she's ~16, but I find her photographs simply mesmerizing! How can someone less than half my age produce such amazing shots?! Depressing. Inspiring. When I grow up, I want to be like Chrissie. Her stuff is here: http://chrissiewhite.com/ and http://www.flickr.com/photos/prettypony/.


1 comment:

  1. this is awesome Miki, congratulations!!!
