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Sunday, October 10, 2010

10.10.10 @ 10:10pm

This evening we had Lynn and Fred over for dinner for a France-planning trip. After they left I did my assignment for my Design class. I was supposed to photograph a "response" or "reaction" to the Saint Ignatius chapel, which I visited last week. I posted a few of my shots from the chapel here, but they were mostly from the outside. The first three images below are from the inside of the chapel. The last image is my response. I wanted to go with something a bit more abstract, as religion itself is abstract, and the chapel is certainly much more conceptual and stylized than a bunch of crosses and crucified Christ images all over the place. Also, being an atheist, I didn't connect with the chapel at a religious or spiritual level - I just found it a very peaceful, modern, serene and clean place. The architect chose "gathering of different lights" as the guiding concept for his design and I was hoping to play on that a bit. The colors in the chapel change based on the time of day. When I went, there were a bunch of reds and blues. There was lots of light seeping through various openings in the walls and ceiling.

I may play around with the idea a bit more before I submit the assignment on Thursday.

My response:

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